We are really excited about all the new features in Showit v2.0. You really should just go
download it now! If you still need convincing here is a quick look at some of the awesome new features in Showit v2.0.
- 100% FREE version...we are not joking. You get a fully customizable website for FREE!
- Club Showit!
After feedback from all of you we created a place to bring together the community of Showit users to interact with each other inside the app! We hope you will share ideas, questions, and get feedback on your website. You can also view Club Showit directly via the web, but we felt putting it inside the app made it that much easier to use.
- Updated Galleries Widget
The process of building galleries is now much easier. We've also changed how the galleries load so each image loads faster for your viewers.
- Updated Share Feature
We've redesigned a bunch of the areas in the app with you in mind! A big one is the Share feature allowing you to embed content from your Showit website to your blog, Facebook profile, SmugMug page, or all of the above. It's now easier than ever to link your web presence together!
- Redesign of the App for Easier Use
One of the first things you'll notice after logging in is how many things we've changed (for the better of course). Make sure to check out how the media library is much easier to use and interact with, speeding up the process of your website creation.
- New and Improved Style Groups
We've added some really great new style groups thanks to Myntd, Spilled Milk Designs, and Moka Designs. We've also redesigned some of the existing Style Groups with the new galleries widget.
- Limited iPhone Support
Yup, you read that right. Flash is not supported on the iPhone but we did figure out how to make your site render better on the iPhone by including a screen shot of your layout at the top of the html page and then you can click the links below to go from page to page.

- Advertising Opportunities
We love to introduce our users to cool stuff. If you have a product that you'd like to reach the Showit Community you can now do that by partnering with us. Email Kevin (at) showitfast.com for more info.
Login to Club Showit and let us know what you love about Showit 2.0!
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Talking about the showit version 2.0 which has all the major features and awesome to use, most of the people give positive feedback of it. App is so much easy to install and I am now seeking research article publication because it's too late for submission.
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