Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Showit SEO Tips and Tricks

Get stoked because if you're a Showit user you now have the best SEO in the industry! OH YEA! ;)

This SEO update includes TONS of new features to help you slide your way to the top of the search engines.
  • SEO Tab gives you control over each page!
  • SEO HTML View lets you see how your website looks when not viewed with Flash (the way a search engine sees the site).
  • Sitemap for your website is auto-generated and we make it super easy to submit that to Google.

Showit on your iPhone!

Now you have control to include images, music and even videos in the HTML so that the search engines and iPhones can see it as well. This gets really cool when you log into your website on your iPhone!

Check it out!

Next week we'll be doing a live Webinar to show you how to take advantage of these features, but for now you can read the articles that explain these features on the Wiki.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Get Smart - Showit Wiki

Because we love our users so much, and because are users are so helpful we are super excited to announce the launch of the Showit Wiki! How about SWiki for short...

To make things simple we've putt a yellow question mark all over the place inside Showit so you can launch the Wiki and check out how a specific feature works. You can also access the Wiki from the "Help" menu and "User Manual Wiki" or go to

We have a pretty good feeling that you'll be as excited about this feature as we are.

We have invested a lot of time into documenting a bunch of the features in Showit, but the beauty of a Wiki is it is continually growing and evolving because it's a living resource. So....

Calling all Showit Evangelists!

We really want your help in making the Wiki more valuable by participating in this ever growing documentation. You have to register in order to add content and all content will be reviewed and edited for accuracy. The Showit Wiki back-end is the same one that Wikipedia uses so the layout should be familiar. If you've never edited a Wiki before keep an eye out for a Webinar on how to use and add content to the Showit Wiki. We'll also soon be putting an instruction page up on how to add content to the Showit Wiki. Happy wiki-ing!

Showit in Multiple Languages

Showit now has translations into German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Swedish! It's a huge task to get the entire software into another language and there are still aspects to each language that could use a little work. If you use Showit in another language we would appreciate any feedback and let us know how we can improve the translations. Check out this page for more information on translations in Showit.

Get in Line - Showit Grid Feature

I know some of you out there almost spilled coffee on your computer out of excitement for this feature. Get your happy dance out of the way and sit back down to play with the new grid! We heard it loud and clear that you wanted a better grid for lining up your site so here you are.

Our dev dudes did some rocket science and what not and made the new grid centered which is really useful. It's also way easier to turn on/off and resize directly from the bottom control bar. Also, for those of you who drink to much coffee and have the caffeine shakes check out the new snap feature so you too can get your layers in line without holding your breath.

So get in-line because with all these new features were pretty sure a bunch more sites are going to end up on

Showit SUPER Zoom

WARNING: Objects on screen are closer than they actually appear.

I know, you're up again doing your happy dance. Showit not only gives you complete Control of your website but we offer a complete workout program with every new release.
Sit down and play with the new ZOOOOOOOM and literally blow up your site. Click on the magnifying glass and fine tune adjustments and alignments to the layers on your page. The scrollbars on the bottom and right allow you to move around when you are zoomed in. Clicking on the magnifying glass again returns to auto-zoom, resizing everything to fit on your screen.